Yes, bloggers are frustrated writers / journalists
Love me! Validate me!
only bloggers read blogs, not real people
Because they know they can’t write in proper english
Do you think most bloggers think they can write but no publisher or editor takes them seriously? Are bloggers frustrated writers / journalists?
bloggers | blogging | blogosphere | blogs | debate | Internet | journalism | literature | Technology | wordpressLove me! Validate me!
only bloggers read blogs, not real people
Because they know they can’t write in proper english
This was, let me be clear, our concession in mediation. ,
We do not know where on the line between enforced prudery and hanky-panky tolerance at work the morally correct policy lies, or even if it lies in different places for different work contexts. ,
They are not.
Some of them are, but why read them:)
Some people just want to write about stuff…and most of them are only doing it as an alternative to a diary…there’s something satisfying about seeing your writing on a screen, at least, that’s what I’ve found.
Bloggers are only people who can type.
The same that designers are frustrated artits and photographers frustrated painters.