The best and the worst social media news website

Which one is for you the best social media newswebsite? And the worst? Why? Is it Digg, reddit, proppeler, fark, slashdot or…?

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2 reasons for

The worst social media news website is…

  1. Cirus opinó:

    Written by: Bryan Eisenberg

    Top 3 Problems of Social Media

    “The problem with social media is… there are more people writing it than reading it.”

  2. Janis opinó:

    The worst is Digg, if you´ve got enough friends you get popular if not is impossible.

3 reasons for

The best social media news website is…

  1. ZZ Stop opinó:

    Digg is the most known, maybe not the best but the original.

  2. Michel R. opinó:

    # Janis: You don´t know what you´re talking about. Digg is the best, if the content is good it will be dugg no matter how many friends you have.

  3. Syrius White opinó:

    Every single day there´s a new one. It´s the best way to be informed.

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