The best and the worst Website

Which one is for you the best website? And the worst? Why? You can explain it in terms of design accesibility, usability, content, etc.

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2 reasons for

The worst website

  1. Xman opinó:

    The worst website is any with so many widgets that you cannot find any content, i.e. Myspaces websites.

    Since there´s no need to be a web designer to manage a website there are plenty of absolutely ugly and unworthy sites.

  2. YAYA opinó:

    The worst website is

3 reasons for

The best website

  1. Jesse opinó:

    Mashable is the best source of news I know of. 😀

  2. Xman opinó:

    Google is one of the best, not just the design but the utility, the concept. Google is equal Internet.

  3. Marcel opinó:

    The best one is Google, no doubt. Then for my work is