Suggested by Albert Whatmough
Solidworks is intuitive and more powerful. Inventor is a great package for ACAD users who are looking to move to 3D and want to swallow all the sales garbage their AutoDesk reps want to feed them. Inventor is for CAD users who haven’t tried Solidworks.
To put this in context, I used SW for 10 years, from release 97 to 2008. I moved to a company that only uses Inventor, and we’re on release 2009. I’ve been using it daily for 18 months now and I still hate it. I long to go back to a company that uses SWX.
I will say that Inventor is slightly more stable, but that’s only because the base package has a lot less functionality.
One more thing. Inventor is cr*p at opening files off a network drive. Give me back Solidworks. Please!!!
User friendly for mechanical design
I am using both softwares and I think IV has been catching up with SW pretty well, but I would think that SW is still a better software. SW has better user interface, better graphics, and better overall commands structures; for comparision stand point, looking at SW and IV is like looking at a classy shopping center vs local stores, the experiences are vastly different between the two product.
Anonymous, that is the most unfair comment I have ever heard. I am a multi-user due to my freelance work, I would say that Inventor currently has the edge over SW. What you forget to mention is that SW has not really bought out anything new in several releases, Inventor has improved, caught up and surpassed SW over their last few release. Did you know that Autodesk spends more money on Development and R&D on Inventor than SW corporation turns over. Perhaps you should get an Inventor sales guy around to give you a commitment free demo, you will be AMAZED
solid works is user friendly if you know windows then you already know how to use SWX. SWX is 60% right click acess. If you are going 3d SWX is the way to go visit the website find your local reseller and set up a demo they are free without commitment. so set something up you wont be dissappointed. plus inventore hasnt been around that long so SWX has maturity they develop products that inventor hasnt thought about
design better products and faster.
Solidworks is better than Inventor Because of easy to use.