Julian Assange: Heore or Villain?

Julian Paul Assange is an Australian journalist, publisher, and Internet activist. He is best known as the spokesperson and editor in chief for WikiLeaks, a whistleblower website.

For some people is a heroe and for some others Julian Assange is a villain. What is he for you?

Photo: Espen Moe

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4 reasons for

Julian Assange is a heroe

  1. Anonymous opinó:

    he is a real hero in the field of Internet.

  2. Jesse opinó:

    He stands up for what no one else will.

  3. Anonymous opinó:

    He is holding governments accountable for their action, thus promoting government transparency which will then lead on to a more just society

  4. Anonymous opinó:

    he’s good

1 reason for

Julian Assange is a villain

  1. Anonymous opinó:

    he’s bad