- Tragedy or comedy?
- Are sequels better or worse than their originals?
- Fight Club: Edward Norton vs. Brad Pitt
- Do you like 3D movies?
- Catwoman: Michelle Pfeiffer vs Halle Berry
- Who was the best Joker? Jack Nicholson or Heath Ledger?
- Mark Zuckerberg
- Comics: DC (Superman) vs. Marvel (Spiderman)
- True Blood vs. Twilight
- Vimeo vs. YouTube
- Do You Believe in Time Travel?
- Tom Cruise
- Do you like the Academy Awards (Oscars) ceremony?
- Oscars 2010: who deserves to win and who doesn't ?
- Star Wars vs. Star Trek
- Should product placement be allowed or banned?
- If time travel were possible, would you like to time travel to the past or to the future?
- Millennium Series vs. Twilight Series
- Salty popcorn vs. Sweet popcorn
- Is there a perfect crime?
- Should popcorn be banished at the movies?
- Sherlock Holmes vs. Hercule Poirot
- JRR Tolkien vs. JK Rowling
- Would you have sex with a stranger for $1000000?
- Paul Newman vs. Robert Redford
- Favorite character from Sex and the City
- Movies | The best and the worst actor/actress
- Harrison Ford | Han Solo vs. Indiana Jones
- Best James Bond 007 | Sean Connery vs. Roger Moore
- "Lord of the Rings" vs. "Star Wars"
- Best ever film | Casablanca or Citizen Kane?