419 Dicotomías
- Adobe Dreamweaver vs. Microsoft Expression Web
- Advertisement in Internet | Making Money with your blog
- Advertisement in Internet | Text-Link-Ads vs. LinkLift
- Apple Final Cut vs. Adobe Premiere
- Are creatives born or made?
- Best CAD Application | SolidWorks vs. Inventor
- Black-and-white Photography vs. Color Photography
- Corel vs. Adobe
- Do you use Photoshop CS3 or an older version?
- External links | Open in a new window vs. same window
- Flash vs. Ajax
- Flash vs. HTML 5
- Is design art?
- Javascript framework: Dojo, jQuery, MooTools, Prototype
- Organic design vs. Geometric design
- Painting vs. Photography
- Pen tablets vs. Mouse
- Photoshop or Gimp?
- Should the models be retouched by Photoshop?
- Should Web Designers Code?
- Text alignment: Left vs. Justified
- The best CMS. WP or Joomla?
- Vector Design 2D: Bezier Curves vs. Spiro Curves
- Web Design | XHTML or Flash
- Web Designers vs. Web Developers
- Web Graphics | Photoshop vs. Fireworks
- Web Typography Measurements – Ems versus Pixels
- Will you update to Adobe CS4?
- Are you Addicted to the Internet?
- Bloggers are frustrated writers / journalists?
- Buy original CD´s vs. Download free music
- Chat vs. Instant Messaging vs. Social Network vs. Forum
- Copyright: Viacom vs. YouTube
- Do you buy via Internet?
- Do you cite the author when you share something?
- Do you click on Ads?
- Do you delete your useless Internet accounts?
- Do you have a blog?
- Do you have a digital certificate?
- Do you like Pinterest?
- Do you prefer Twitter over RSS?
- Do you share your photos on Facebook or on Flickr?
- Do you use the Share & Tell a Friend buttons?
- Do you use Webcams?
- Does Operation Chokehold make sense?
- Does the Internet Make You Dumber or Smarter?
- Facebook Lovers vs. Facebook Haters
- Facebook vs. Google+
- Good morning, twitter: polite netiquette or unnecessary showing off?
- Google Blog Search vs. Technorati
- Google Buzz vs. Twitter
- Google Friend Connect vs. Facebook Connnect
- Google vs. Yellow Pages
- Google+ Brand Pages vs. Facebook Fan Pages
- Have social networks blurred the lines of our privacy?
- iCloud vs Google Drive vs Dropbox vs Microsoft SkyDrive
- Is it Safe to Post Photos of Children Online?
- Is LeWeb worth it?
- Is the Web dead?
- Is there a European blogosphere?
- Micro Blogging: Tumblr vs. Twitter
- Microsoft's Bing vs. Google
- Must Google pay an Internet toll?
- Should Bloggers give up blogging?
- Should Blogs Have Comments?
- Should Google close Chinese Search Engine?
- Should internet commentators use their real names?
- Should Wikipedia just accept ads already?
- Social Networks | Twitter or Facebook?
- Spotify vs. Grooveshark
- Tumblr vs. Posterous
- Twitter vs. Google Plus
- Twitter: Retweets vs. #FollowFriday
- Vimeo vs. YouTube
- Web design | External links Dofollow vs. Nofollow
- WhatsApp vs LINE
- Will Google shut down FeedBurner?
- WordPress.com vs. Blogger.com
- Would you use a @facebook.com instead of your current email account?
- Xing vs. LinkedIn
Lifestyle | Entertainment
- "Lord of the Rings" vs. "Star Wars"
- A nativity scene vs. The Christmas tree
- Animated sitcoms | The Simpsons vs. Family Guy
- Beach vs. Swimming pool
- Best ever film | Casablanca or Citizen Kane?
- Best James Bond 007 | Sean Connery vs. Roger Moore
- Billiards vs. Pool
- Burger King vs. McDonald’s
- Burguer vs. Hot Dog
- Can people change?
- Can you be "friends" after dating?
- Carnival vs. Halloween
- Christmas Eve vs. New Year's Eve
- Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi
- Coffee vs. Tea
- Comics: DC (Superman) vs. Marvel (Spiderman)
- Darwin (Evolution) vs. The Bible (Creation)
- Day vs. Nigth
- Déjà vu: Precognition or an anomaly of memory?
- Destiny is already written vs. I write my own destiny
- Did you enjoy your last holidays?
- Did you like the "Lost" finale?
- Did you like your Christmas Gift?
- Diet clothes | Rental vs. purchasing
- Do you believe in ghosts?
- Do you believe in horoscopes?
- Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?
- Do you believe in Prophets?
- Do you believe in reincarnation?
- Do you believe in Telepathy?
- Do You Believe in Time Travel?
- Do you celebrate Saint Valentine´s Day?
- Do you celebrate your birthday?
- Do You Ever Finish Anything?
- Do you get along with your Ex?
- Do you lie about your age?
- Do you like Christmas?
- Do you like cooking?
- Do you like Modays?
- Do you like reading books?
- Do you like talking on the phone?
- Do you like the makeup look?
- Do you like the reality television show "Big Brother"?
- Do you like your neighbourhood?
- Do you love the Eurovision Song Contest or hate it?
- Do you prefer working from home or from an office?
- Do you read manuals?
- Do you regret something you did?
- Do you sing in the shower?
- Do you surf the net on the toilet?
- Do you take photos in places were you are not allowed to?
- Do you tell the truth in polls?
- Do you think sexy ads will increase sales of chocolate?
- Do you think Sports is a transparent business?
- Does love have an age?
- Dolls: Barbie vs. Bratz
- Doughnut vs. Croissant
- Downloadable or printable sheet music?
- Easter (Holy Week) traditions: Paganism vs. religion
- Eating in vs. Eating out
- Electric guitar vs. Acoustic guitar
- Faithfulness vs. Unfaithfulness
- Favorite character from Sex and the City
- Favorite Desperate Housewives Characters
- Figurative art vs. Abstract art
- Futurama vs. The Simpsons
- Go Shooping | Do you love it or you just hate it?
- Grunge: Nirvana vs. Pearl Jam
- Handcraft vs. Productivity
- Happiness vs. Unhappiness
- Harrison Ford | Han Solo vs. Indiana Jones
- Have you ever used a Cheat Sheet in school?
- Homer Simpson: Beer vs. Donut
- I think, therefore I am vs. I am, therefore I think
- If time travel were possible, would you like to time travel to the past or to the future?
- Indoor Sports vs. Outdoor Sports
- Is there something beyond death?
- JRR Tolkien vs. JK Rowling
- Legends and Kings: Michael Jackson vs. Elvis Presley
- Lost: Jack vs. Sawyer
- Manga vs. American Comics
- Mathematics | I love Maths vs. I love Maths
- Men's underwear: Boxer vs. Briefs
- Millennium Series vs. Twilight Series
- Money, Love or Health?
- Mötley Crüe vs. Guns n’ Roses
- Movies
- Are sequels better or worse than their originals?
- Catwoman: Michelle Pfeiffer vs Halle Berry
- Do you like 3D movies?
- Do you like the Academy Awards (Oscars) ceremony?
- Fight Club: Edward Norton vs. Brad Pitt
- Oscar 2010: Should have been Avatar actors nominated?
- Paul Newman vs. Robert Redford
- Should popcorn be banished at the movies?
- Star Wars vs. Star Trek
- Sylvester Stallone vs. Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Who was the best Joker? Jack Nicholson or Heath Ledger?
- Nike vs. Adidas
- Omnivore vs. Vegetarian
- Optimism vs. Pessimism
- Order vs. Chaos
- Packaging: Tetra Brik vs. Bottle
- Pajamas vs. Not pajamas
- Paris vs. New York
- Pets: Dogs vs. Cats
- Pocoyo vs. Caillou
- Print books vs. digital ebooks
- Reggaeton: Urban musical expression or Musical Shame?
- Relationships: Sex without love vs. Love without sex
- Religion: Are you free to do anything in the afterlife?
- Salty popcorn vs. Sweet popcorn
- Santa Claus vs. The Three Kings
- Sauna vs. Jacuzzi
- Sesame Street: Bert and Ernie
- Shakira vs Thalia
- Shaving: in the direction your hair grows or against?
- Sherlock Holmes vs. Hercule Poirot
- Smoking vs. Non-Smoking
- Starbucks vs. Dunkin’ Donuts vs. McCafé vs. Nespresso
- Sudoku vs Haiku
- Survivor vs. Big Brother
- The Amazing Race vs. Survivor
- The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?
- The Best of the Worst or The Worst of the Best
- The Erotic vs. The Pornographic
- The Office (UK) vs. The Office (US)
- To be or not to be?
- Traditional Cuisine vs. Creative Cuisine
- Tragedy or comedy?
- True Blood vs. Twilight
- UEFA Euro 2008 Germany vs. Spain European Championship
- Video game console: Xbox | Nintendo | Playstation | Wii
- Video Games: Diablo 1 (Blizzard) vs. Diablo: Hellfire (Sierra)
- Vinyl Disc Records vs. Compact Discs
- Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
- Who wear the trousers in your relationship?
- Will the moon affect the growth of one's hair?
- Wooden or metal furniture?
- Words or Numbers?
- Would you have sex with a stranger for $1000000?
- Would you like to know your date of death?
- Would you sell your soul to the devil?
- Yankees fan vs. Red Sox Nation
- Yu-Gi-Oh!: Strategy game or Satanic game?
- Are we doing enough for Haiti?
- Are you Indignant?
- Capitalism vs. Communism
- Do we pay too high taxes?
- Does Obama deserve the Nobel Peace Prize?
- Dollar vs. Euro
- Gibraltar, British or Spanish?
- Has the Iran´s election been an electoral fraud?
- Honduras: Zelaya vs. Micheletti
- Is George Bush a War Criminal?
- Is the Army necessary?
- Maximum working week of 65 hours | Pro or against?
- Mexican Elections 2012: Peña Nieto vs. Marcelo Ebrard
- Negotiating with terrorists: Agree or disagree?
- Palestine | Jewish or arab?
- PEMEX (Petroleros Mexicanos) vs. SEP (Secretaría de Educación Pública)
- Pro or against Fidel Castro
- Pro or against Nuclear Power
- Protectionism vs. Free trade
- Should politicians be active on social networks?
- Should the governments help banks?
- Should wages be linked to profits or to inflation?
- Should we all boycott Olympic Games in China?
- SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act)
- US Elections 2008 | Hillary or Obama?
- US Elections 2008 | John McCain vs. Barack Obama
- Where do you get your news? Traditional vs. New media
- WikiLeaks
- Will Obama change the world?
- Would you support a EU ban on the seal product trade?
- Abortion | Legal or illegal?
- Are "The International Days Of" any useful?
- Are people good or bad by nature?
- Are you a good father / mother ?
- Are you in favor or against the surveillance cameras installed in public places?
- Are you superstitious?
- Are you willing to be vaccinated against influenza A/H1N1?
- Boring/Passive job vs. Stressful/Creative job
- Casual sex vs. Relationships
- Chemical castration
- Could you ever kill anyone?
- Death Penalty | Pro or against?
- Do people respect traffic rules where you live?
- Do we complain too much or not enough?
- Do women and men have equal treatment in our current societies?
- Do you agree with animal experimentation for human purposes?
- Do you agree with the domestication of exotic animals?
- Do you believe in the Zeitgeist Movement?
- Do You Have Private Health Insurance?
- Do you love your job?
- Do you share household chores?
- Does the end justify the means?
- Enforcing the laws controlling immigration vs. Relaxing the laws controlling immigration
- Environmental protection vs. Private property rights
- Euthanasia | Pro or against?
- Family vs. Friends
- Giving tips vs. Not giving tips
- Globalization vs. Anti-globalization
- Has the economic crisis affected you?
- Have you ever paid for sex?
- How do you pay? Cash vs. Cards
- Human being vs. Machine
- Human clonation | Agree or disagree
- I have a bad boss vs. I have a good boss
- Is an Affirmative action fair or unfair?
- Is global warming chiefly caused by humans or by natural phenomenon?
- Is Hong Kong teaching English properly?
- Is it possible the Family Conciliation?
- Is our money safe in a bank?
- Is slapping a legitimate form of discipline?
- Is Technology Good for Children?
- Is there a perfect crime?
- Jury Trial vs. Court Trial
- Marriage: Joint or Separate Finances?
- Nepotism: Will you accept a job you´re not qualified?
- Parenthood vs. No children
- Pro or against Life imprisonment
- Psychology: Psychoanalysis, Behaviorism, Cognitivism or Humanism
- Public Health vs. Private Health Insurance
- Recycling vs. Not Recycling
- Rest in peace: Cremation vs. Burial
- Same-sex marriage | Allow or ban
- Sex offenders´ identity ¿public or private?
- Should be a reducing traffic limitation in major cities?
- Should Cigarettes Be Illegal?
- Should full-face Islamic veils as burka be banned in public?
- Should homosexuals have adoption rights?
- Should marijuana be legalized?
- Should parental leave be longer?
- Should Prison sentences be served in full?
- Should product placement be allowed or banned?
- Should we give money to beggars?
- Suicide: A coward's act or A brave's act?
- Teamwork vs. Work alone
- Telework vs. Central Work
- The cruelest genocide | Hitler or Stalin?
- The Right to privacy for those who sell their lives
- Traditional Medicine vs. Alternative Medicine
- What is the best way to connect to your customers?
- What would you do if you found drugs in your luggage?
- Will all oil disappear?
- Will social media eradicate corporate hierarchies?
- Will the Josef Fritzl's family overcome their ordeal?
- Will you donate your organs after death?
- Would you ever have a relationship based primarily on money?
- Would you practice nudism or naturism?
- Your home is where you live or where you were born?
- Android Tablet vs. Apple iPad
- Android vs. iOS
- App Store vs. Android Market
- Apple iPad Vs. Microsoft Surface
- Are you using the latest web browser version?
- Bill Gates vs. Steve Jobs
- Browsers | IE-Firefox-Opera-Safari-Flock-Chrome
- Cloud Storage vs. Flash Storage
- Data compression: ZIP vs. RAR
- Do you support the Anti-IE6 campaign?
- Graphics Cards: ATI vs. nVidia
- iPad vs. eReader
- iPhone 5 vs. Samsung Galaxy S III
- iPhone vs. HTC
- iPod or iPhone
- Is your mobile your camera?
- Language: PHP | Python | Perl | Java | Ruby | ASP .NET
- Laser Printers vs. Inkjet Printers
- LCD vs. LED
- LCD vs. Plasma
- Linux: Gnome vs. KDE
- Mac vs. PC
- Microsoft Windows 7 vs. Mac Os X 10.6 Snow Leopard
- Office Suites: Microsoft Office vs. Google Docs vs. OpenOffice
- Open Source vs. Commercial Software
- OS | Windows or Linux?
- Technology: Do you love it or hate it?
- VoIP Phone Services vs. Traditional Phone Services
- Ways of learning | Book or Videotutorial?
- Web applications vs. Desktop applications
- What is your computer personality?
- Windows Vista vs. Windows XP
- Windows XP vs. Windows 7
- Wired vs. Wireless devices
- Would You Buy an iPad?
- Would you use GPS Tracking on your children?
Tops | The best and the worst
By Tags
social networks
suggested by users